Men In Heels Event
The 4th annual Men in Heels relay race on September 12, 2023 will be a fun way for the community to help raise funds for two worthy causes: The Women’s Resource Center and the Gena Rych Scholarship Fund in memory of Gena Rych to celebrate her very special life and unique spirit. Teams of local men will race in high heels to raise awareness of women’s issues and support both nonprofits.
Team Registration
Teams are comprised of 4 men at least 18 years of age. Team participants can be members of a sponsoring company or organization, but anyone can put together a team to race.
Fill out the form here and drop it off along with your $250 registration fee at our office:
Sponsor the Event
Would you like to sponsor this popular event? Click here for a list of sponsorship levels.
Contact Julia Ginna to lock in your sponsorship of Men in Heels 2023.
Julia can be reached at 970-247-1242 or at events@wrcdurango.org
Volunteer at the Event
Would you like to volunteer for this incredibly fun event?
Contact Julia Ginna at 970-247-1242 or at events@wrcdurango.org.