How to Become a Corporate Sponsor
Corporate Sponsorships = Visibility.
Partner with WRC to grow your business while helping those in need!
Corporate Sponsorships of Women’s Resource Center programs and fund-raising events give businesses the opportunity to gain valuable publicity before an engaged and caring audience: women who support the Women’s Resource Center. And women who support the Center support businesses that support women! The Corporate Sponsorship Program also provides valuable support to our efforts to ensure that women have every opportunity to support themselves and their families. We welcome you and look forward to our partnership!
Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
Click for Womenade sponsorship

Sponsorship Benefits - Resource & Referral Program
- Platinum Members will be featured in a rotating ad on our Homepage with other Platinum Members. Runs for 12 months.
- Half-page ad, value $200, in one of our printed quarterly newsletters, NetWorks, sent to more than 1,100 WRC members
- Top page listing in two editions of NetWorks Donor Recognition Pages.
- Logo listing with link on Corporate Member Page on WRC Website.
- Quarter-page ad, value $100, in one quarterly newsletter.
- Listing in two editions of NetWorks Donor Recognition Pages.
- Listing with link on Corporate Member Page on WRC Website.
- Listing in two editions of NetWorks Donor Recognition Pages.
- Listing with link on Corporate Member Page on WRC Website.
- Listing in NetWorks Donor Recognition Pages in annual report.
- Thank you on social media
- In-kind donations of products or services (contact WRC for details)