How to Become an Individual Member
Membership is easy, just make a one time or recurring donation to WRC using the button below and you are in!
The Women’s Resource Center is a membership-based organization that relies on annual dues to support its operations. Our individual and corporate membership programs serve as a base for financial and volunteer support. And when you become a member of the Women’s Resource Center, you not only help to empower women and change lives, but you also receive member-to-member discounts, opportunities to post announcements about your business on our Web site, and announce special events in our weekly e-newsletter News You Can Use.

Individual Membership Levels:
- $5,000 Supports 125 of the 1,500 served each year with resources towards opportunity.
- $2,500 Supports 65 of the 1,500 served each year with resources towards opportunity.
$1,000 Supports the cost of one women receiving an educational
- $500 Supports the cost of 7 girls attending our educational conferences.
- $250 Supports the cost of 1 day as an open door center for Resource & Referral
- $100 Supports one hour of legal assistance for one woman.
- $50 Supports one hour of professional coaching.
How to Become a Corporate Sponsor
Corporate Sponsorships = Visibility.
Partner with WRC to grow your business while helping those in need!
Corporate Sponsorships of Women’s Resource Center programs and fund-raising events give businesses the opportunity to gain valuable publicity before an engaged and caring audience: women who support the Women’s Resource Center. And women who support the Center support businesses that support women! The Corporate Sponsorship Program also provides valuable support to our efforts to ensure that women have every opportunity to support themselves and their families. We welcome you and look forward to our partnership!
Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
Click for Womenade sponsorship

Sponsorship Benefits - Resource & Referral Program
- Platinum Members will be featured in a rotating ad on our Homepage with other Platinum Members. Runs for 12 months.
- Half-page ad, value $200, in one of our printed quarterly newsletters, NetWorks, sent to more than 1,100 WRC members
- Top page listing in two editions of NetWorks Donor Recognition Pages.
- Logo listing with link on Corporate Member Page on WRC Website.
- Quarter-page ad, value $100, in one quarterly newsletter.
- Listing in two editions of NetWorks Donor Recognition Pages.
- Listing with link on Corporate Member Page on WRC Website.
- Listing in two editions of NetWorks Donor Recognition Pages.
- Listing with link on Corporate Member Page on WRC Website.
- Listing in NetWorks Donor Recognition Pages in annual report.
- Thank you on social media
- In-kind donations of products or services (contact WRC for details)
No-Cost Ways to Give to WRC
There are several simple ways you can contribute to WRC (aside from your membership dues) all year long and at no extra cost to you! Check out the partnerships we have with these businesses:
Prudential Insurance Company, Marchell Fletcher
WRC members receive discounted rates on Auto, Homeowner’s, Renter’s, and Long Term Care Insurance through Liberty Mutual Insurance and The Prudential Insurance Company of America, and a percentage of your premium is donated to WRC, at no cost to you!
Contact Marchell Fletcher, 259-1379

LPEA Round Up Foundation
The La Plata Electric Round Up Foundation is almost too easy. Indeed, it seems counter-intuitive: How could something so simple make such a difference? But Round Up has – donating, since its formation more than $1 million in local grants to hundreds of agencies and organizations in Archuleta and La Plata counties including the Women’s Resource Center.
At its core, Round Up is a community service program organized through La Plata Electric and funded by LPEA members. It derives its funding when members sign-up to “round-up” their electric bills each month to the next higher dollar. Many cooperatives across the country have formed similar foundations to facilitate a way for the co-op and its members to support deserving friends and neighbors in need.
City Market Value Card
Is your City Market Value Card registered to give back to the WRC? Well, the City Market CARES program has changed their giving program. Beginning March 5, 2014 City Market started to re-structure their giving program linked to the Loyalty Card (Value Card) As a Loyalty Card holder, City Market is requiring you to re-enroll with the organization of your choice.
You can re-enroll your card at to choose an organization to give back to through your purchases at City Market. Please consider enrolling your Loyalty Card and linking it to WRC. If your card was associated to the WRC, you still need to log in and re-register.