Emergency Housing Services
in the Durango Area
Durango Community Shelter (Volunteers of America)
(970) 259-1255
Provides temporary shelter for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Programs for veterans experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness.
The Bridge Shelter – Cortez, CO
(970) 565-9808
Provides seasonal emergency shelter to adults, informal case management, job training and employment opportunities.
Affordable Housing Services
in the Durango Area
Housing Solutions for the Southwest
(970) 259-1086
Provides rental and utility assistance on case-by-case basis, transitional housing program for homeless families, weatherization program, home rehabilitation program, foreclosure prevention program, housing counseling.
Mortgage Assistance Services
in the Durango Area
Regional Housing Alliance of La Plata County
(970) 259-1418
Mortgage assistance program, free home buyer education class, free housing counseling.
Please Note: The information provided on this page is for the benefit of our viewers only and does not represent an endorsement of the organization by the Women’s Resource Center. The Women’s Resource Center does not bear responsibility for the information within the linked websites.